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Born:May 27, 1898
Died:December 7, 1975
Kokomo, Mississippi

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Herbert (Daddy) was a hard working, loving father to his wife and family of four children-two girls and two boys, Due to his inability to get a formal education, he had to quit school in 5th grade to support his Mother and siblings when his Father died.  
He married Georgia Eva Stewart at the age of 27, who is still living at the age of 95 as of this writing. He farmed most of his life. Never made much money but provided adequately for his family. A kind, gentle man who never asked for much, Was a God fearing person and had many friends in the commubity where he lived all his life.
He will be missed by those who knew him for all eternity.

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Personal Notes

Daddy, Thirty-one years and counting. On this 7th of December, 2006. I still miss you so much. I am 75 now, in excellent health, married with a loving family and looking forward to seeing you in Paradise when the Lord calls me home, Buford
Added by Buford Summers
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