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Born:December 6, 1985
Charleston, South Carolina
Died:December 9, 2006
Loiusville, Kentucky

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Mr. Levi Simmons, born to the Mrs. June Diaz and Mr. Levi Simmons Sr. on December 06, 1985. Levi Attended Whitney M. Young Job Corps Center in Simpsonville,KY and Graduated with a Degree in Medical Records and Later went to Miller-Motte Technical College and Earned a Degree in Surgical Technology. He was a Member of Christ Temple Apostolic Church In Louisville he surved Faithfully Until his Death He Served as a Minister until his Illness. He Leaves to Cherish His Wife Mrs. Brittany Myers-Simmons, his Mother Mrs. June Diaz of Moncks Corner, SC His Father Mr. Levi Simmons Sr. of St. Stephens, SC His Sister Miss. Prencess Simmons of Summerville, SC his two brothers Mr. Casey Simmons and Mr. Trayvon Simmons both of Moncks Corner, SC and a Very Special Friend Rev. R.E. Paicely of Nashville, TN.
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