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Born:November 11, 2006
Riverdale, Georgia
Died:November 11, 2006
Riverdale, Georgia

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Keegan entered and left this world early. He became an Angel before we were able to see his beautiful eyes and smile. When we were able to see him, he was the most beautiful baby boy ever with a head full of blonde hair. He looks so much like his big sister. He is now resting with the lord and watching over all of us until we can be together. He is and always will be truly loved and missed.

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Personal Notes

Keegan, I just want you to know even though we didn't get to know you as a little person that I love you and I do know you because you are in my heart. I miss you so very much. I wish it could have been me instead of you. Your mother and father miss you terribly also. I can't wait to hold you and kiss your beautiful face again.
Added by Love, Nana

To my sweet, beautiful, baby boy Keegan: I miss you so very much! I see your beautiful face in everything around me, including your big sister when she's sleeping. I love you so very much, and I'm listening for the wind chime whenever you want to talk to mommy. You just be listening for me, too! I love you mommy's little prince, forever, I promise-promise!
Added by Mommy
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