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Born:June 2, 1960
Mexia, Texas
Died:December 5, 2006
Paris, Texas

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Timothy was born June 2, 1960, in Mexia, the son of Sam E. Wright and Johnnie Ree (Cobb) Bennett and lived in the Fort Towson area for one year. He loved bull riding, horses, old cows and playing the guitar. He really loved his mother, nieces and nephews. They called him “Bubba Tim.” 

He was a very dedicated worker for Hobbs Bonded Fiber where he worked as a Supervisor; and he was of the Baptist faith.

Bubba Tim was a wonderful loving and caring Son, Brother, Uncle, and Friend to all that he ever crossed paths with. He will always be loved and missed deeply by his family, especially his nieces and nephews.

I can still picture him playing his guitar....he could live off fried bologna sandwiches, and always ate his ice cream with a fork. He loved watching bull riders, and he knew everything on the subject you would ever want to know.

Bubba Tim was and forever will be one of the most loved Uncles in the world. Put simply, he was AWESOME!!!


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Personal Notes

Bubba Tim I love you so much and will miss you terribly. My only regret is not telling you how much you meant to me before you departed this earth. It was so sudden and unexpected. I am thankful you are no longer in pain. You were one of the best Uncles a girl could ever want or need. Thank you for always being a wonderful loving and caring Uncle.
Added by April Rasbeary
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