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Born:May 3, 1989
London, England
Died:December 23, 2006
London, England

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lets take a moment to remember the life and legacy of my best friend, my inspiration and my hero...Jude Keith Westwood. He was a son, a friend, a brother, a lover, a nephew and a human being in the true sense of the term, who will always be missed. 

Even when he knew he was dying, he lived his life with such vitality that it left most of us admire him in complete awe. He was loving, caring, honest, truthful, curious, intelligent and the most amazing human being that I had had the honour of knowing. And I presume most of you would be of the same opinion. I sometimes wonder how he managed to stay at the top of his class, even when he was ailing with cancer, and never lost that spark of his. The most amazing thing was that he was so down to earth even with the accomplishments like his under his belt. Even though everyone of us, his friends, knew that we could never be at par with his wits, but we still would never grow jealous of him. His charisma was so undeniable that he wouldn't let us envy him ever. He never made anyone feel that they were inferior. The truth is no one could ever touch him in terms of levels. Mostly because he set new goals for himself and achieved them. He was in a different class of his own. We all loved him for that and we are so proud to have known him.

He is in a better place now and shall soar the sky with his angel wings. He has left behind a bereaving family, lots of fond memories and so much love in hearts that I don't think anyone or anything can fathom.

He will always be remembered for the man he was. Even during the worst of pains and the hardest of battles he never lost that smile of his.

You are truly immortal my friend because we all shall hold you dear in our hearts and memories forever...

you are free now Jude.
you are our angel.


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