Diane Michelle Doss Passed away unexpectedly, Saturday December 24th, 2005, at the age of 26. She was born July 11, 1979, to Ken Taylor and Dawn Taylor Brown. She graduated from Beech Grove High School in 1997. Diane was a childhood Cancer survivor and has worked in various aspects of the medical field. She is survived by her loving husband James Darren Doss, USMC, and her beautiful and loving son James Darren Doss II. She is also survived by her father Ken Taylor and her Mother and Step-Father Dawn and Duane Brown, father-in-law Gary (Sylvia) Doss, Grandfather Dale Cummings, and Grandmother Barbara Shipley; Brothers Kenny and Kevin Taylor, Sister Kelly Taylor, Abby and Maci Brown, as well as many Aunts and Uncles, cousins and many close friends. She was preceded in death by her mother-in-law Elvia Shaw Pearson. She will be forever missed.
Tears fill me with memories of both good and bad, echoing in my ear I hear your laugh. A vision of you goes through my mind, and even though I cannot touch you...I still pray for a sign. No one will ever understand what we all had; to them it is memories or reason to be sad. "She was a great girl" is all they can say, as the memory of you slowly fades away. I will never let go, or forget the years...visualizing your smile through these tears. I will never let go of what we all had, it comes once in a lifetime and that is too bad. It is going to be a while before we can hug, but my dear friend what holds me together is your love.