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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

We made this page for friends of "Creator" or just "C" as most called him so that we could write something about or to him.  We all loved him so much and enjoyed the short time we had with him. He was good to us, gave us hell when we needed it and loved to make us laugh!  He will always be our "C"

Added by Anonymous

Play I Will !! - ROFLMAO
Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous

creators poker pic.jpg

Added by Pam
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Links to Veterans Charities -- Memorial Donations
Added by Anonymous

Creators parting message to friends.wps
Creator's parting message to friends
Added by Anonymous

Personal Notes

I did not know Creator "C" as so many others did. But, I did know him long enough to see his kindness, his humor, and his love of life. He will be missed by many who loved him well!
God's Blessings my friend!

Added by Mama Bee

I'm going to miss you not calling me a TOAD...So many times you have made me laugh and a couple of time you even taught me things...gee, who else would have told me what a Pearl Necklace was?? And then LOVED that you got to be the one to tell it and that I didnt know?? LOL
You will always be a part of our poker family and remembered fondly! Love you, you old goat!!

Added by Melissa, Mel, Toad and sometimes Pearl :)

Hey Putz, tell the big lady to hook me up with some hot young ladies. You know you will be highly missed by so many including me. I will miss the way we played around at the poker tables and flirted with anyone that sat at the table. Equal opportunity flirting is always a great option. lol Keep the door open for me and give a few good words too (since you are already there I am sure you can lie for me *wink)
Added by JohnnyLaw #1 Putz :)

hi c i hope you are having fun playing cards
i am going to miss the times we played poker and
tell jokes.but most of all i am going to miss the talks we had.
i hope to play cards with you were a true friend.

Added by wildbill2220

Creator, you little charmer you. You know you didn't have to go to heaven to get all the woman. You had them at "HELLO". When you get there, make sure to save a seat for me right next to you..cause i'm still coming for your chips! Just know we are all missing you and poker will never be the same without you! Hugs and kisses.
Added by ~ pam ~

I didn't know "C" very well, but did get the chance to play with him and get to know his "interpoker" sense of humour and loved it!The last time we played together was soo much fun, trying to lose our chips and laughing at each other when we won..You will be missed my friend! God Speed "C"

Added by Brandi Cochrane(GEMMY)

C, It was a pleasure and honor to have the opportunity to know you. Your amazing wit and sense of humor will be sorely missed. You always made me feel sexy and beautiful when I joined you in a game or even if I only stopped by to say hi. I find peace in knowing you are no longer suffering and have now become a soldier in God's army. Welcome home Daniel!
Added by Josie ~Ma Barker~

We became pretty close in a very short time my friend. I learned a great deal about Omaha and true character from you. We are all a little richer for having known you and your sick sense of humor. (Yeah I helped some ;-)~~~~~~ )

The lizard says "miss you I will".

Yoda - Topsweep - soccer mama - chewie

Added by Yoda - Master is OK
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