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Born:May 9, 1961
Died:January 9, 2007

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u were such a caring ,loving and  understanding person. u would do anything for anybody no matter how big or little it was. u loved to be the first on the dance floor as u knew how to move,this woz because u were a good dancer through ur young adult life.uv done so much in the last couple of year , like how u discovered how to work a computer, and ur recent travels on holidays abroad made u a happier man.u loved the theatre anything with music n dance would be ur scene ,such remembered memories will always be treasured in my heart.ur love n passion for dolphins and greyhounds woss something u really liked ,u even carried the whole theme through ur house but its these little things that remind me of u and make me laugh and shed a few tears.ur sense of humour was great, always could make me laugh,and the little daft comments always dne the trick.u will always be loved dad!,in my heart and in my thoughts every day,all yaer round xxx

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