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Born:July 11, 1933
wallace mo
Died:July 10, 2003
st joe mo

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He painted cars most of his life.He was the most loving person.Always had something good to say and was so supportive.He loved the babies,always holding them and loving them.He loved his wife, he has several grand babies.He loved to help cook.He made the best spaghetti and meat balls and chili.He would cook and have the kids come by and take some home.Don't think we didn't get there quick [grandpa cooked],He is gratefully missed.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I know your up in heavon looking down on me.I've become the person you wanted me to be.Even though your not here to hug,kiss,and squeeze.I know that in my heart your so proud of me.
Added by crystal[your biggest angel]

I love and miss you dad.I know your watching over me.You were always there for me and I'm sure you still are.
Added by your daughter Vickie

I love you grampa,I miss you.I sleep with you everynight
Added by felicity[your littlest angel]
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