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Born:July 12, 1969
portland, maine
Died:February 15, 2007
portland, maine

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When you bring up janie, most that knew her say "she was one of the kindest people i've ever met." Although Janie made some dangerous choices in her life, she always cared about the ones around her. Janie was always full of life and energy, and a great joy to be around. She was a very outgoing person, and was always having fun. She loved summer and enjoyed goin to the beach, you could always find her with a good tan.
Family and Friends were always important to janie. she was part of quite a large family, and is going to be exteremly missed by all of them. She is survived by Her mother Jane Pinette, & her Step-Father Dennis W. Pinette. Three sisters; Kathleen M. Splude, Michelle M. Splude, & Cynthia L. Cox. Four brothers; Dennis J. Splude, Jeffrey M. Splude, Richard A. Splude, James L. Splude Jr. Janie also had created two beautiful children in her lifetime; Kristine P. Earles, and Joseph M. Earles II. She loved and thought so highly of her kids, and their father, Joseph M. Earles Sr.
Although Janie is no longer with us, and it isn't the way most wanted her life to turn out. She is finally free. Free from all the pain and misery that she experienced for all these years, free from the drugs and the spell they had cast on her life. No one or nothing will be able to harm her. She blessed so many people with her presence, and left us all with so many great memories.

We love you mom.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

You were there for me
as a friend when I was down and out...
and I just want to say Thank-you.
I havent seen you since 1997
and you have always been Sadly Missed...
Joseph Alizio jr.

Added by OuTlAw~LeGeNdZ
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