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Born:The Great State of Texas
Died:Castroville, Texas

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This page is dedicated with fondest memories of my dear friend, Curtis Lee Parsons, who passed away at the age of 45 in Castroville, Texas.

Curits was the ultimate example of a true southern gentleman. Soft to speak and tall in stature, Curtis was always ready to greet anyone with a smile and hearty hand shake. His love for life, family and friends was second to none.

He was like a brother to me and I gratly miss him. Not a single day goes by since he passed that I don't think of him. My recollections are as strong as if the events just occurred. At times, I believe that I can hear him speaking to me. I wish that I would've called him before his untimely death. Now, I can only speak to him without answers.

Curtis Lee, rest in peace my friend, and know that you are greatly missed.

Jeff "Big D" Dickerson
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