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Born:July 10, 1948
Died:March 13, 2006

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my grandpa was many things. everyone knew and loved him. but the most important things this man was rembered by was being a fighter and being a is like my aunt says his shell may have been broken but he was never bruised. Grandpa was not a rich man when you account material things. but in my eyes he was a rich man because he knew everyone and everyone loved him. my grandpa left this world with a trade mark. he opened peoples eyes in many ways. my grandpa will never be gone for good he will be alive in our sorrow, in our tears and fears. but most of all through our laughter. to me my grandpa was an angel sent from heaven. granpa not a day or minute even a secound that goes by they we dont miss you. we all love you and i know you are in heaven smiling down watching us as we move on in life. but grandpa you will live on through all of us especially connor. he takes after you. i know you are in heaven watching him grow. and man has he grown. i just wish he could have spent a little more time with you. grandpa we all love and miss you! 

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