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Born:June 17, 1921
Pinjarra WA Australia
Died:January 2, 2007
Coffs Harbour

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Daphne Ruth Laybutt of Coffs Harbour Australia, Mum, was one of the loveliest people who ever lived. She always gave freely putting others before herself. She was caring and loving with a friendly hand. She always made sure everyone else was well fed before herself. She gave up things herself so that others could be filled and not lack anything.

She was so friendly and kind. She had a bubbly sweet personality you could not help but love. She remembered special things and always did kind things to make people happy and feel better. She always lifted you up if you felt down. She was encouraging and caring, full of joy and grace.

She always went out of her way to do things to help people. She was a great comforter and knew exactly the right words to say and what to do in all times of need. She was bright, intelligent, sweet and loving. She did everything possible to make sure one had everything one needed in the way of food, clothing and home comforts. She had a knack of knowing how to make people better and to cheer them up with her lovely cheery disposition.

A loving mother is one of the greatest treasures one can ever have, and one should treasure their mother deeply and repay as much as one can for all the wonderful things that a mother does.

Daphne laughed and cried with one like a mother, shared joys and sorrows along life’s pathway. She was always there making sure all was well. She could fix up any situation with her wonderful special mothers touch.

A Mother gives one some of the most precious of life’s moments. She was there when I took my first step. She introduced me to all the wonders of the world, the beauty of the garden, of sunrises and sunsets. One could bask content in the warmth of her wonderful love and feel totally at peace with the world and all around. She helped me learn the joys of life and was always very good at giving advice. She was always there when I needed her. She was a wonderful companion and friend and lovely to talk to. Many a wonderful moment was shared in deep conversation with her. She would always be there for you, nothing denying.

She taught me so much that I treasure to this day. Her thoughtful kindness will always remain imprinted on my heart. Her beautiful memory will never depart. Her garden of beauty forever remains, the flowers that she tended will always keep blooming. Her voice gently echoes through the whispering breeze. Her sweet memory will never never leave, but remain to comfort throughout the years.

Her memory will remain, like a beautiful perfume. At will I can recall her memories sweet with all her caring loving feats.

Mum I will remember you forever more, your life full of giving as a treasure so sweet.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
mum poem.doc

Added by Anonymous

Personal Notes

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