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Born:July 6, 1956
Springfield, Missouri
Died:August 30, 2006
Oologah, Oklahoma

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Janice Gale Douglas was born in Springfield, Missouri. She is the daughter of Melvin and Jean Cook. She has 2 daughters with David Douglas, Cari Bohannan and husband J.T, and Casey Wrenn and husband Erik. She also has 1 granddaughter. She has 2 brothers and 2 sisters, Joe Hill and his wife Jane, Jim Hill and his wife Ann, Joyce Bryant and her husband Richard and Cindy Randles and her husband Don. She also has many nieces and nephews. She served as a LPN over the last 15 years and loved her job and loved the fact that she got to help others. She adored her children and her grandaughter was the light of her life. She was a great person, a great mother, a great daughter and a great sister. She loved her family and her dog Jazzy! We love her very much and miss her every day!

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
A poem for Mom as read by my Cari
Added by Casey
Personal Notes

Mom, I love you dearly and miss you everyday, I wish you could be here to share the joy of what is going on in our lives right now. You would be so excited.
I love you!

Added by Casey

Mom, I miss you so much, not a day goes by I don't think about you. I love you with all my heart and I will make sure Taylor remembers you. We will love and miss you always.
With tears,

Added by Anonymous

Mom, I just have a little over a month before I have your first grandson! I think of you every day but more so lately that I am going to be a mom myself. I cant imagine how happy you would be for Erik and I right now. I wish you were here to be with me when I bring this baby into the world and teach me things. I love you so much and wish so much that you could be here with me when I need you most!
Added by Casey
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