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Born:June 30, 2005
Houston, Texas
Died:April 18, 2006
Conroe, Texas

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Isaiah was born on June 30,2005, he is the light of my life..When I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't of been happier.  Then, 6 months later I found out that he was very sick..the doctors told me that my son had Spina Bifida(spinal cord on the out-side),Hyracephalus(fluid on the brain) and dextracardia(heart on right side).  I was completly devistated...the doctors gave me no hope and said he would never survive the pregnancy so i should just have an abortion...I could never do that so, I continued to fight through the pregnancy and at 38 weeks he was born..he was the most beautiful baby i had ever seen..he weighed 5lbs 13oz and was 17 1/4 inches long....he was like a little angel..he had surgery the day after he was born to reconstruct his spinal cord. A week later he had shunt surgery to drain the fluid off his brain. during these surgeries we found out the worst..he had more problems..they found that he had scoliosis(spine was curved), bronchio-trachia malasia(trachea colapses when he swallows),  and arnold-chiari malformation(the cerabellum is pushed down into the spinal cord), he was such a little fighter..he did everything they said he would never do..he drank from a bottle, ate baby food, smiled, talked, rolled over...he wouldnt crawl or walk b/c of the spina bifida was so severe he had no feeling from his hips down..but, he was just like any other baby..he was my little miracle.
Isaiah the day he became a beautiful angel in Heaven
Added by mommy
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Personal Notes

My little angel...I luv you and miss you more than you could ever are such an amazing little boy..I miss ur smile and ur laugh..I can't wait until we are together again..I love you Isaiah....
Added by mommy

Today is Easter and it's almost been a year since you went to Heaven..mommy, misses you so much and wants to be with you more than anything..I love you so much little man...
Added by mommy

I am really missing you and I love you more than you will ever know...I am having a very hard time with out you and I don't know how to deal with you death...Daddy and I miss you so much and I don't know what to do with-out were my little man and with-out you I have nothing...I love you Isaiah and you will never be forgotten..I love you...mmuuwwaaahh(@)--^-----
Added by Mommy
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