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Born:April 1, 1981
Lancaster, Ohio
Died:April 13, 2007
Lancaster, Ohio

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Nicole was a loving person. She was a great Daughter,Sister,and Mother. Nicole wanted to be 3rd or 4th grade teacher. She was a very handy woman. She liked doing everything herself. The song "Redneck Woman" describes her by: Gretchen Wilson. She loved to be the center of attention. She was a great person. She was diganosed with Heart Disease. She went into have her tripple-bypass surgery on Friday at 6:00am by 8:10am the lord took her. The doctor said her heart was to weak to take the surgery. Nicole didn't even know she had this disease until just recently. She will be for ever in our hearts.
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Personal Notes

Hi my name is Chris I only knew Nicole Lynn for only like 3 days, but we talked on line for hours and hours. We got to know each other and talked about everything from life to her son and what she was doing to her house.I will pray for her family and friends and her her beautiful son Jared Michael. She was a beautiful woman and mother and she will always be in my heart and I konw she's in a better place now looking down on us.

Chris M Enderle April 13, Noon

Added by Chris M Enderle

Nicole I love you and miss you.You will for ever be in my heart.You are my bestfriend.Jared Micheal misses his mommy.I know god will take care of you.
Added by Lynn-Janobli

Our Dearest Nicole, We miss you dearly and we would do anuthing to have you back.Lynn is going to make a fine second mother to Jared.I thank god for the time we did have together.We will miss you until our final days and till the last breath we take.
Added by Your Mother and Father

My precious Niece I love you.
Added by Uncle Rick

Hi,it is Tabby. I just wanted to say that when we talked you sound a great person and would have been a great friend. I wish I would have got to meet you in real life. Thanks for answering all of my questions when I askked them.

Added by Tabbitha Senig

Hi,it is Tabby. I just wanted to say that when we talked you sound a great person and would have been a great friend. I wish I would have got to meet you in real life. Thanks for answering all of my questions when I askked them.

Added by Tabbitha Senig
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