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Born:April 25, 1931
Aberdeen, Scotland
Died:April 2, 2007
Uckfield, East Sussex

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Nora was a wonderful and precious mother, Grandma & Great Grandma and will be very sadly missed. she was in the RAF and was an aircraft fitter on spitfires and i think mosquitos im not sure but i know she enjoyed it very mych and always had interesting stories to tell, it was in the RAF that she met her husband Vernon Phillips usually known as phil who is also very sadly missed unfourtunatly i never got a chance to meet him but i heard he was a wonderful man and had a cracking sense of humour. Nora lived her life to the full right up until the end she grew up in scotland and moved to new zeland then came over here she and phil owned a small gentlemens outfitters in uckfield she and her family used to live above the shop then she moved to andorra which is a house full of love and good memories near to the end she lived a thornbury care home where i heard she flooded the gentlemen downstairs and she joined in sing songs a and bingo and what made me laugh i also heard she was doing yoga so she was a brilliant caring cheeky and loving lady that will always be loved and missed. I love you Grandma you're with Grandad so rest in peace now sweetheart we all love you and always will forevermore and don't worry you're girls are well loved and looked after and send their love to you and Grandad Bye xxxxxxxxxxx

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I hope you like this grandma i love you and miss you terribly but i know you are happy so i am xxxxxx
Added by Emma
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