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Born:January 3, 1979
Died:Dwale, Kentucky

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In Loving Memory of Our Friend....Nathanial Meade

Nathanial Meade, or 'Nate' as we knew him, joined our online community in December of 2005. That he was a man of conscience and intelligence was apparent from the beginning. When Nate spoke, people listened. A humanitarian at heart, he graced our minds with words that made us think. His kind but outspoken nature made us pause and consider our humility before each other.

As we knew him, Nate's greatest strength was his honor and his respect for his fellow man. He was quick to lend support to those in need and equally quick to chastise those who acted without care or honor. He gave love and friendship unselfishly and unconditionally. He was a leader among us. Ever one in search of abiding truth, he procedes us learn the greatest truth. Though we have lost a dear friend and true companion, we will journey on toward the same truth, having some comfort in meeting our beloved friend at the journey's end.

Nathanial passed on this April of 2007.

Rest in peace and eternal joy, my friend, your words and memory will live on in our hearts.

On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend's life also, in our own, to the world.
~Henry David Thoreau

Added by Anonymous

Kentucky heaven.jpg

Added by Faeden


Added by Anonymous

Band Days
Added by nerissa
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. ~Irish Saying

Added by Sandra

I'll miss you my friend, we'll all miss you. I like to think some liberal hippy Angel is getting an earful right now.....


Added by Ben

I'm really going to miss you, man. You will never, ever be forgotten. My life is richer for having known you, and I learned from you, among many things, some profound lessons about what it means to be a good person.
Added by kelly

Tell there a glorious Heaven where wonderful souls like you -fly off to? Is it as beautiful as Kentucky? Are the sport teams as good as The Wild Cats...does the pepsi taste even more divine?

I Miss you, Skeppers...always and forever more.

Added by Anonymous

Nate, I miss you already brother. I will never forget the conversations we had about history and politics and our general love of all things Republican. You were a true friend and a brother in arms to me. See you on the on the other side my friend.
Added by Mark

I will miss you buddy and all the interesting conversations we had about life in other worlds. I still can`t believe your gone rest in peace friend.
Added by Seth

May your new journey be one of ever-abiding love, truth and joy.
Added by Rishi Langer

You know me mate, never very good with word's but i miss you, and a part of me allways will...

Sleep peacefully my Brother at least until we meet again....

Added by Fen...
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