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Born:August 24, 1986
Died:April 17, 2006

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Eugene is gon be missed by everyone. Its gon be hard to really a person like him is gone. He was the type that made u laugh when u were mad at him. I personally couldn't be madd long at him. We mad have had our problems but that had outweigh the good. We had our good times together they wont be forgotten.I'm going to miss his joking around when I was feeling sad.I always forgot why I was down when I was around.All in all he is a good person and I know he's in a way better place. I Know his son is going to miss him even though he is very young. .They use to always play together and I always here them two laughing. It's a blessing to have met such a person and I know he is in a way better place.
Here's Eugene always smiling
Added by Anonymous

my bd3.jpg
Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
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