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Born:September 14, 1943
Duluth, MN
Died:April 26, 1998
Duluth, MN

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My dad was a strong, loving, smart man. He knew exactlly what he wanted outta life an always would teach others about what would make their life easier.

He was an electrition for a well known Co. here in Duluth. He would work long hours during the winter months so durin' the summer we could go camping for a longer period of time. He enjoyed his job..but he loved coming home to his wife Claudia, daughter Kathleen, an son John RG.

I have never known anyone like him in my life. He was one in a i am so proud that he was my father!! :) My dad, an mom built 6 houses through-out their marriage. He did all the plans/plumbing/electrical/painter/cut all the angles for the woodwork/...i can say this: He would never let anyone come in an build the house for him an my mom. If he an my mom couldn't do it..then it wouldn't be done. Except if it was the well/propane tank installation. In the last house they built together he even built an maintainted the sewer tank. He loved a challenge an enjoyed showing me what he knew, an teaching me things that i thought that i knew. :)

He is sadly an greatly missed by us all. We love an miss you dad/husband/grandfather. You are always remembered!! So Mote It Be.

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Personal Notes

Hello all. If you knew my dad or are family please feel free to leave a "postit" note for him. TY.
Added by Son
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