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Born:June 5, 1998
Died:April 28, 2004

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He was a very sweet little boy,who loved his mommy very much and was not ashamed to admit it.He was loved by so many,and he knew it as well.
He was my blonde hair,blue eyed angel.and i will always miss him.I thank God for him,even though i had only 5yrs with him.It was the greatest 5yrs i could've wished for!
I love you Bug!!!!!
Personal Notes

When you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears,
when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears.
And I held yor hand through all of the years,
but you still have all of me.
These wounds won't seem to heal,
this pain is just too real.
there's just too much that time cannot erase.

Added by Mommy
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