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Born:October 1, 1935
Died:January 27, 2006

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Maurice Edwin Carroll, whom we lost January 27th, 2006, at the age of 70. He left his wife, Nina Carroll, which they were married of 50 years. Maurice also had 5 sons: Gary, Rick, Bobby,Anthony, Kevin. He had 5 grandchildren: Angel,
Jeffery, Steven Blankenship, Steven Bilyue, also Logan Lee,
1 great grand-daughter: Karlee... Maurice had 6 brothers:
Lonnie, Gary, Mark, Craig, Pat, Kenny. His mother was: Edith Carroll.Dad was self-employed and also worked for the
Vanceburg Housing Auth. of Vanceburg for several years.He then retired shortly after and was diagnosed with lung-cancer... Maurice E. Carroll was a wonderful dad, husband,
grandpa, and a super friend to anyone. He had many friends
here in Vanceburg and was very well liked in his hometown.
Dad also lived a great life with his family and worked very
hard to provide for them the best he could. Dad loved blue-
grass music, he always said there was no other music he wanted to listen too, but, bluegrass.. We all miss dad, but, God seen fit to take dad on to be in a better place..
Its not the same without you here Dad!!! But, we have to make the best of it, we will see you again someday in Heaven...
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