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Born:March 18, 1964
Columbia, SC
Died:March 31, 2007
Lexington, SC

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Doug was raised in Blythewood, South Carolina by his loving parents Rev. Calvin and Lucille Snelgrove. He attended grammar school in the Blythewood area. He was very active and loved to spend his time outside. He spent a lot of his time with Granddaddy and Grandmama Snelgrove. He also loved to be around Uncle Butch, Uncle Norman, and Uncle Mark. Doug was also close to his Granny Moak. He would call her everyday to check on her and play jokes on her! Doug was blessed with two little sisters named Katie and Mechelle Snelgrove. He loved his family and lived his life to the fullest. Doug entered into the United States Army and recieved his G.E.D. He was medically discharged after 8 months due to kidney trouble. After various marriages, Doug had one girl and two boys. Their names are Shannon, John, and Micheal. (Shannon is married to Keith McDaniel and they have two lovely daughters, Hailey and Alisha.) Then after his long search, he met the love of his life, Claudia Metts Snelgrove on July 9, 1995. They were married on December 30, 1995. They had two precious boys together, Dustin and Brandon Snelgrove. Doug loved his wife and all of his children very much. Doug went on dialysis in July of 1998. His wife and family were very supportive and loving all throughout his sickness. There were many nights where Doug would lay in bed and cry about the pain he was in. Claudia was always there to dry his tears and comfort him. Although we are all sad to see him go, we know that he is no longer suffering nor in pain and we will see him again someday!
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