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Born:September 1, 1949
Died:May 7, 2007

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Rick was in a car accident in his late teens that left him permanently disabled and had many other brushes with death throughout his life. 
He spent the last 20 years of his life wandering around the United States. He always had entertaining stories to tell of his adventures.
Rick loved to read and would read almost anything until he couldn't read anymore because of a head injury.
One of his favorite sayings was "Shit Happens".

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Hopefully you're in a better place where there is no pain and there is a neverending supply of books to read. See ya, kid.
Added by Jodi (sister)

At least no one will tell you to turn off The Weather Channel. Doo Dah...
Added by Lori (sister)

I never knew him personally, but I've heard enough tales to have me convinced this man was quite an amazing being.
He almost seemed immortal.

Added by Crystel Land (Rihana's roomate)

Gonna miss you, Rick. I would never have embarked on a career of drawing bad science fiction comic-books if not for your influence.

For a while, I really was convinced he was the Highlander.

Added by Hana
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