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Born:March 27, 1988
Died:October 31, 2001

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With a heavy heart, and tears in our eyes . . . we had to say goodbye. It was a rainy wednesday evening, Halloween day...when we had to let you go.

We had been struggling to know "when," because you were still so full of life. It was such a hard decision for us...and in the end, you took care of us by letting us know that you were ready.
You had been fighting against kidney failure and cancer for a few weeks...and that morning, we came home from work and you couldn't use your back legs. You were so full of pride, that you tried to drag yourself to the door to go outside to the bathroom. We carried you out, and helped you stand...and you still held your head high.
That night we lost you, we left the Dr. Brucks office...and drove to one of your favorite parks. We stood in the rain, and thought of you...and how you used to love to run and jump into the water.
The house was so empty and quiet when we got was unbearable. Your food bowl half full of food, your bed still on the floor in the living room...a few of your toys were laying in a corner...and your Frostee cup was sitting on the end table. It would be days before we touched any of your things...wanting to hold on to the very last moments we spent with you.
You were such a wonderful dog full of life. You taught us that living well and playing hard are the secrets to a long life. You loved eating pizza, and stealing bread...sticking your head out the truck window when we drove...and chasing the squirrels in the park.
You were always there for us...protecting, is so hard to believe that you are gone.
You will be in our hearts forever...our Sunshine Boy. We miss you, and are ever thankful for the love and joy you brought into our were a spot of sunshine.

We love and miss you . . .
Romie and Denise


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