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Born:March 6, 1982
Died:May 7, 2007

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One of the WAAC member... We have been great friends since secondary school... Alot o sweet memories in school... Like taking bus to and back from school whatever possible... Though we were only classmates for 2 years. That did not deter us from being great pals... But i guess the several things in sec 1 and 2 had built a strong bond between us.. We had a class chalet at Aloha Chalet.. A overnight maths camp... Our history project -  The BOROBUDUR!!

And also... She was my ANGEL when we played a 'Angel and Mortal' game... Its great having such a caring and thoughtful ANGEL who will slip in notes and gift to the envelope on the notice board...

Since both of us stays quite near.. We always bring homework to each other place when anyone of us is sick...

And there are lots more....

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