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Died:June 2, 2007
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

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Walid Chahine, an immigrant from Lebanon who had earned an engineering degree in Cleveland, had spent the day of May 26 playing with his 4-year-old son, running erands and mowing the lawn of his recently purchased home in Methuen.

Chahine was 45 years old. He leaves a wife, Fida, and their four-year-old son Joseph.

He dreamed of the day when he could stop driving a cab.

"He realized that driving a cab was dangerous, but he had to provide for his family. He wanted to give them the best life, and he was doing just that when that man drove into him."

"I want Daddy,'" said His Son (4 years old). "'Where is Daddy? How come he is not here? He usually opens the door and hugs me. Where is he?' And it seems like everyday, the same question [is] coming out of his mouth."
Fida Joseph.jpg
Wife and Son
Added by Anonymous

Accident May27, 2007
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Walid Familly.docx
Walid Familly
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Just one word: where are you walid,we miss you...your wife Fida
Added by Wife Fida

I am waiting you dad for tonight...your son joseph-elia (4 years old).
Added by your son

Hope Walid, one day we will meet all together in next life. We miss you. "Al Massih Kam Hakkan Kam".
Added by Wissam and Maro

Walid, I will always think of you and your family. Please be at peace.
Added by Anonymous

Dear Chahine Family,
Please know that the Farris family mourns your loss and that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We will send a memorial for the support of Walid’s wife and son immediately. Please know that we are here to support you in this time of terrible grief and unimaginable pain.
All our love,
Jon & Roberta Farris (parents of the other victim Paul Farris)

Added by Jon & Roberta Farris

I never met you, Mr. Chahine, but I have been enormously touched by the loving accounts of your family and friends. You were a kind, hardworking, special person who did NOT deserve this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Added by Cambridge Resident
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