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Born:November 26, 1967
Died:June 26, 2006
the lewis pass highway

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Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Added by KAYLA

Memorial register.rtf
Memorial Register
Added by KAYLA
Personal Notes

BENGE, Alex Paul- on the 26 June 2006, tragically as the result of an accident in the Lewis Pass, dearly loved second son of Sharon Adler (Brisbane) and Bruce Benge (launceston), stepson of Allan, brother of Dean, Mark and Sarah, and a loved uncle of his nieces and nephews. Sorry we didn't get to say goodbye
Added by KAYLA

BENGE, Alex Paul- Suddenly taken from our heatrs on june 26, 2006, in his 38th year, your warm caring nature will never be forgotten. To hold you tight, close and near, you will never leave our heatrs. You were an awesome Dad to Connor, and always there for tyler, you took him under your wing as though he was yours. Love you always Babe. Rest in Peace, love and kisses forever - Nikki, Tyler, and Connor
Added by KAYLA

BENGE, Alex - on June 26, 2006, result of an accident, treasured friend of Linda, Rod, Stacey, anthony and wee Kayla. We thought of you as part of our family, you will be sadly missed. Rest i peace, mate.
Added by KAYLA

BENGE, Alex - result of an accident on the Lewis Pass, best friend of the Hurst-Long and Watkins families. You were part of our family mate.
Added by KAYLA
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