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Born:October 27, 1986
Abington, PA
Died:May 30, 2005

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Raymond went home to the Lord on Memorial Day,May 30,2005. 

He was in Wildwood, NJ celebrating his senior prom. He was a senior at Abington High School.
Ray was the victim of senseless violence.
He was an organ donor, as this was something he believed in.
Ray was a tough kid with a kind heart.He had a sense of humor and a contagious smile. He loved music and to make people laugh. He was rarely serious. He had a passion for life and entrepreneurial dreams. He enjoyed playing football and like to box. Raymond was a great uncle and God father. He was a very protective brother and best friend.

You passed on before your time in our eyes, but the Lord called you home: he has his own plan. You lived it will while you were here! You will be missed always and never forgotten. We had some good times!

An online guest book is maintained by his two nieces:

There is also a Myspace group in his memory:

His family and friends hold a Beef and Beer in his memory every year around his birthday. A portion of the proceeds is donated to a foundation or organization.

Anyone who met Ray surely will never forget him.


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
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