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Born:January 25, 1923
Warner, New Hampshire
Died:March 2, 2002
Rochester, New Hampshire

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Heaven gained an Angel on March 2nd, 2002. A loving, caring, hardworking, honest, selfless, beautiful Angel. An Angel that loved her family so much and was so loved by her family, a family that she was the heart of. She took care of all of us, with no complaints, not because she had to but because she was a truly good person who cared so deeply for people, especially herfamily, She was proud of her family, and she was right to be. She did a wonderful job being a mother, a grandmother and a great-grandmother; we are all better people because of her. I personally learned so much from her about being compassionate and caring and having faith in God and the things that are good in the world, I also learned the value of my family through her. Addie Mackay, my grandmother, and Heaven's new very special angel, was in life, a person I admired and respected and loved so very deeply, and I will miss her always, for the rest of my life. I am comforted however, knowing that she will always be a part of my heart and she is in a place were she can continue to look out for us. I also know that someday I will see her again and I will hug her and be so comforted by her, as I always was. I know that she has found her eternal peace and she has been reunited with my grandfather and all of the rest of her family and friends who have passed. That eases my sorrowful heart today. Of course we will all weep for her passing and our lives will forever be changed with her gone from this earth. We must always remember though, where she is and whom she is with and that she is happy and safe and forever without pain. We must also continue to be good to one another and take care of one another because Ma is watching us and that is what she will want to see.

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Personal Notes

I love and miss my grandmother, very deeply.
She was the most amazing woman I have ever known and I look forward to seeing her once again.
Ma~Isabelle is so big now, and she is so smart.
I talk about you to her often and she kisses your pictures and says she misses you. You would be proud of the child she is becoming.I love you so much.
XO Honora XO

Added by Honora Clegg
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