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Born:August 16, 1971
Dayton, OH
Died:October 2, 2005
Saint Albans, WV

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Suzette was a bright and beautiful daughter, sister, wife and most of all mother of two beautiful girls Kayla and Haley Bucklen. When Suzette walked into a room you could see this glow and her smile that would light up a room.  She was such a caring and loving person. And always seen the good in a person no matter what. She had a laugh that just made you start laughing. Her girls and her family and friends was her life.

Suzette will never be replaced or forgotten. She will always been in our hearts and her memory will always live on and her two daughters will always know what a great and caring person Suzette was to everyone who knew her.
Christmas 1998.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Haley 2005.jpg

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

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