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Born:November 22, 1991
Died:May 11, 2007
Glandale, Arizona

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He was so funny. He brightened up everyone's day, and was so smart. Not very many knew it at school, but he was very smart. He's truely an inspiration, and an Angel watching over us.
angel in titas 15.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Angel was a very funny and cool person to be around we would always get into troble in P.E. because he would make us laugh so hard somtimes. I still remember the little krew we had in P.E. when we went to Challenger and he was always one of the funny ones. I miss you Angel and hope your in a better place now.
Love Always your friend Jasmine- La Guerita.... =]

Added by Jasmine Sicairos

angel is my brother i lvoe him so much i miss him so much he made me smile when i was down even thoe i wasent alot with him but i loved him so much i love you angel cova i love you alot i miss you alot angel ,...
Added by margarita cova

anger was my brother and he was the great thing to have in my life i wish we had more time to spent in dis world but now his heaven where i wish i could be with him but its not my time but one day well be all together i miss you so much angel and i love you with all my heart i cant wait to c you again ..i wish i had to kiss one more time and tell you how much i love you but i cant it hurts me everyday that i didnt get to say one word to you && now you up there and im down here ..i wish it was not you up there ..i miss you angel and aot love you big bro
Added by monica cova

Anqel was my P.I.C.(Partner In Crime) lol...
-he was '1' of da funniest nd koolest quys i wuld chill nd be around wit most da time.we had our lauqhs nd qud times in d 7th qrade at Challenqer.memories i will nevr forqet...
-i member we wuld always qet into truble in Enqlish class cuz we wuld always b talkinq..nd one time in P.E. we were da only ones dat didnt dress up nd we had ta run almost a mile non stop.. ha we were tiredd. was funny
-im nevr qana forqet yu...I miss yu Anqel nd hope yur in a bettr place nw. i wish yu were still here.... R.I.P.?

   Yur Friend,
Melinda Camacho

Added by Melinda Camacho

Anqel was my P.I.C.(Partner In Crime) lol...
-he was '1' of da funniest nd koolest quys i wuld chill nd be around wit most da time.we had our lauqhs nd qud times in d 7th qrade at Challenqer.memories i will nevr forqet...
-i member we wuld always qet into truble in Enqlish class cuz we wuld always b talkinq..nd one time in P.E. we were da only ones dat didnt dress up nd we had ta run almost a mile non stop.. ha we were tiredd. was funny
-im nevr qana forqet yu...I miss yu Anqel nd hope yur in a bettr place nw. i wish yu were still here.... R.I.P.<3

   Yur Friend,
Melinda Camacho

Added by Melinda Camacho

Angel Cova ,
When he came around he always made yu smile.
Even when somethinq somethinq was botherin him he tend to have a smile that would briqhten up your day. We was partners in crime. Me him davonshay , miriam && thee rest of the crew would stay outside all niqht axckin ah fool , duckin && dodqin thee police(lol)i swear those was days i had no worries. Imu Anqel :)

Added by Anonymous

Angel Cova ,
When he came around he always made yu smile.
Even when somethinq somethinq was botherin him he tend to have a smile that would briqhten up your day. We was partners in crime. Me him davonshay , miriam && thee rest of the crew would stay outside all niqht axckin ah fool , duckin && dodqin thee police(lol)i swear those was days i had no worries. Imu Anqel :)

Added by Jalissa Delarosa :)

Angel you are missed so much and left us too soon. You always made us feel happy and smile no matter what was going on. Our family party will never be the same and you are always missed when ever we get together. You showed us that no matter how hard we had it we could still have a great time together especially when you spent the night over at our house. We are all grownups now but we still remember running around my grandparents house and making a mess and having fun while getting screamed at haha fun times primo! We miss you and now you can play gta anytime without anyone turning it off lol. Blessed to have you as my cousin and friend! Watch over us Angel!
Added by Anonymous
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