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Born:October 20, 1949
Kansas City Kansas
Died:April 4, 1999
New Mexico

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Mom was on her way to visit her sister she had'ent seen in 20 + year's it was suppost to be a suprise, little did we know that Easter morning would be a surprise to us all, when we got that call mom had died in an accident. Our lives were changed forever.We would never again hear her voice, feel her touch or see her face.So many word left unsaid.No not mom, God why? That was one of the hardest thing's our family had ever gone through.Her memory will alway's be with us, she's always with us. God blessed us with a beautiful mother and we're greatful for that!

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Personal Notes

Mom I miss you so much.I know I'll see you again someday soon cause life is short and I cant wait for the day that I get to hold you in my arm's and hear you say, Everything will be alright. Love Missy
Added by Melissa
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