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Born:May 1, 1920
Shanghai, China
Died:December 9, 2000
Phoenix, AZ

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Mr. Van Z. Ching, our father, was a wonderful husband, father and was a proud World War 11 veteran. He is survived by 7 children (6 girls and one boy). He was born in Shanghai, China and lived a full life. He knew no English and survived and worked hard all his life to bring up his children in a free America.

Dad worked in the Culinary Arts as a Assistant Chef and Chef during his entire career in the small hotel/resorts in the Catskill Mountains, Monticello, NY. We lived in small towns such as Ellenville, Liberty, and settled in Monticello, NY. He retired at the age of 62 and was able to enjoy his retirement for at least 16 years. My sister, Sue, helped him retire early and where he was eligible for Social Security. Dad spoke English and Chinese at home.

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Personal Notes

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