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Born:October 26, 1940
Wichita Falls, Texas
Died:December 7, 2003
Thornton, Colorado

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Mary Beltran was born in Wichita Falls, Texas on October 26, 1940. Her mother Rachel Nunez and father Pedro Beltran had 8 children, brothers (Ernesto Guerrero, Raul Guerrero and Mario Guerrero), sisters (Tina Guerrero, Paula Beltran, Anita Beltran and Frances Vasquez).

She is survived by her son (Joe Beltran) and daughter (Sally Alcantar), 5 grand-children (Joe, Mario, Bobbie, Crystal and Mary), 5 great grand-children (Guyia, Gage, Emerald, Destiny and Joey), brothers (Raul Guerrero and Mario Guerrero), sister (Frances Vasquez) and numerous nephews and nieces.

She was a loving mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt and dear friend. I can never remember a time when I've seen my Aunt Mary unhappy. She was always full of spirit no matter what was going on. She was always encouraging and a good listener. Some of her favorite past time was gambling at Central City/Black Hawk/Las Vegas, Bingo and dancing. She will be greatly missed.

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