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Born:September 8, 1941
Sacramento, California
Died:September 12, 2000
Fort Riley, Kansas

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Ronald entered the U.S. Army following high school, graduating  as top honor student in his advanced training and assigned the position of tank commander at the Fort Knox Armor Training Center. He then was an instrustor in Vilswk, West Germany, 7th  Army Armor Training Center Tank Gunnery School. He attended and graduated from the Senior Non-Commissioned Officers Course at Bad Tolz, West Germany. Mr. Lincoln went on to complete 20 years of service in the Army, serving his last capacity as command sergeant major of the 4/63 Armor Bn, Fort Riley. His army service ribbons include the Bronze Star with V Device, purple Heart with four oak leaf clusters, Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal, Cross of GAllantry Vietnam three battle stars, Army Commendation Medal four oak leaf cluster, Good Conduct Medals award, National Defense Medal.

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