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Born:March 2, 1944
Canada, Toronto, North York
Died:December 11, 2000
Canada, Campbell River, British Columbia

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Donald James Tinsley was born on the 2 of March 1944, in North York, Toronto Canada. I remember his fondly and his stories that he told will be forever embedded into many memories. My father was a very special man who touched many people throughout his years.  He will be forever missed by his loving wife Cheryl his daughter's Leya and Bonnie and his granddaughter Crystal. With All of our Love Now Forever and Always.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

If Tears Could Build A
Stairway, And Memories
A Lane, I'd Walk Right Up
To Heaven And Bring
You Home Again!

Added by Leya
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