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Born:September 6, 2003
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Died:November 30, 2003
Coalport, Pennsylvania

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The day you were born I thought you were the most perfect baby I had seen. I first called you my "peanut" and "pee wee", but you became known to me as "Tigger", because all you wanted to do was stand on your little legs and bounce. You loved bath time. We would tell you "kicky-kicky" and you would get your arms and legs going and smile, you were the most beautiful baby with that crooked little smile of yours.
Sunday's were "our" day. We cheered the Steelers on! I loved our Sundays together. Making new videos of you to show how much you have grown in a week. You would just chatter at that camera.
There is not a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts every minute. I miss you so much and thank God that he let you come into my life if only for three short months. You are now and always "Gammy's boy".

I love you my little Tigger,

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
Remember Me.doc

Added by Anonymous

I believe..doc

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

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