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Born:December 20, 1983
coombe dublin
Died:January 28, 2007
welligiton austraila

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our son damiem was a jockey he loved horses and was very sussefull in his carrer he rode loads of winners we were so proud of him sadly on 28 /1/2007 while riding in a race he got a very bad fall damien was on a life support machine but sadly he dident make it we all love and miss him so much sleep with the angels son xxxx
his last winner
Added by mary murphy
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Personal Notes

my son was a very talented jockey who gave his life to horses from a very early age he had a great love for them it saddens me that he lost his life so younge 23 years we do not expect to burie our children its so painfull
damien i hope you ride all the winners in heaven

Added by mary murphy mother
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