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Born:September 24, 1988
Died:January 3, 2008

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Jessica M. Gill, 19, of Springvale, passed away on Thursday January 3, 2008 at the Maine Medical Center in Portland. Born on September 24, 1988, Jessica was the daughter of Rickey and Sherri (Howell) Gill. Jessica graduated from Sanford High School this past June.

She had plans to attend Tufts in MA, to study to become a veterinarian because of her love of animals. She enjoyed horseback riding, fishing, playing basketball and softball or just hanging out with her friends. She truly was one who would give the shirt off her back to help others. She always wanted to make others happy. She was such a trooper and had tremendous courage. She never complained at anytime during her medical treatments. If ever there were angels upon this earth, Jessica was surely one. She was always thinking of others and how to help them instead of herself.

Jessica is survived by her mother, Sherri C. Gill, her stepfather, John J. Kuleszynski, brother, Stefan H. Kuleszynski, sister, Sarah R. Gill, niece, Nevaeh Gill, aunt and uncle Jeri and Charlie Hodges, cousins, Courtney and Christi Hodges and numerous other relatives.

A funeral service for Jessica will take place on Friday January 11, 2008 at 3pm the Carll-Heald & Black Funeral Home, 580 Main Street in Springvale.

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