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Born:April 22, 1964
Died:February 21, 2008
Lakeworth, Florida

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I met Jimmy 6yrs. ago at the Yacht Club in Hypoluxo, Fl. He needed a roommate and I needed a room. By pure happenstance I made one of the best Friends of my life. In no time at all I counted Jimmy as one of my life long friends. He was just that way. While I lived with him I was just amazed at the people that just stopped in on there way by, that were from nowhere nearby. He had friends from all over the world that seemed to go out of there way to see him. I moved 1500 miles away but kept in touch with the man. One day he calls and says he's coming to see a concert and visit friends who live, to no real supprise about 45 miles away from me and he was excited we might get to see each other. I had to work that day and missed my friend. Now I'll have to wait my turn at the Pearly Gates to see him again. I think you might see where I'm going with this though. He was a friend to everyone he met and had friends everywhere he went. If you met him you wanted to know him. Always looking for the fun in live, not knowing he WAS the fun in life. I'll miss you my very dear friend Jimmy. 
Three Stooges
Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

Thanks for allowing me to impose myself in your life Jimmy.
Added by Irish

Jimmy, you were a good friend to me, and an even better friend to my Dad. May the next life bring you the same joy you brought to others in this one.
Added by Irish Jr.
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