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Born:New York
Died:April 11, 2008
Dallas, Texas

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Al was a kind and generous man, who treated all he met with respect and compassion.  He lived for his nieces and nephews and was a great Uncle.  He will be missed by many.
Al and John . . . met at TI and friends ever since.
Added by Anonymous

Uncle and Kevin . . .. never a more devoted Uncle.
Added by Anonymous

Kevin and Uncle skating . . .Al would do whatever Kevin wanted no matter how crazy.
Added by Anonymous

Uncle trying to stay upright while keeping keep Kevin from falling.
Added by Anonymous

Kevin and Uncle making a Jack-o-lantern. What messy fun!
Added by Anonymous

Uncle and Kelsi . . . the day after she was born.
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I feel blessed to have known Al. I will miss him.
Added by Lori

Uncle was a fabulous person. He loved us very much. He would always take me and my 5 year old sister to lunch and dinner. He would always take care of us. And he would always sneak us milkshakes. He was a very good uncle. He was so nice. We all loved him without end. He was a fabulous uncle to me to my sister to my dad and to my mom. We all loved him.
Added by Kevin Rote (9 years old)

Al was a loyal friend. He was always willing to help. He was a loving confidant to my children. He had a special way of making all children feel special and important. He will be missed by my family. We saw him as part of our family and our hearts are aching.
Added by Kasi Rote

Al or "Bert" as we used to call him was a good friend who will be dearly missed. A quiet man but a fierce competitor on the court, Al was a team player with a heart of gold. After Al moved to Texas I hadn't heard much from him until our 30th HS reunion in 2005. That night he had us laughing with tears in our eyes he recalled story after story about the characters we all knew and the good times we had at the Boy's Club and basketball practice.
Rest in peace big guy, we're gonna miss you Bert.

Added by Bill Cansdale

I'm really too stunned and saddened for words. I'd had him on my mind lately and we were missing him. I think about Al when we have good Italian food or I see the sweet red wagon he bought for my son. Or the tin I kept meaning to send him full of chocolate chip cookies, or the Russel Stover outlet where he would buy bags of chocolate and drop the rest off at our house. I hurt for his family. I know he loved them so much. We will miss him tremendously.
Added by Brandi Wright

I am very sad to hear this news about Al. He was one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Although he was a few years older than me I will always remember the time he gave me at the Boys Club when I was young. Not only was I able to play in the pickup games with him - but he always took the time to play one on one and help me improve my game when I was in grade school.It is unfortunate to see someone leave us so young. God Bless his family.
Added by Dan Mayer

Part 1
I have had the honor of knowing Al from when I was fresh out of college in 1987 and began my career with Texas Instruments. Al was my first supervisor and after our initial meeting, I remember wondering if all people from New York were as obnoxious as him. I quickly came to understand that he was going out of his way to give me a hard time as his way of welcoming me to the team. We became fast friends and over time he became a member of my family.

Added by John Rote

Part 2
Apart from his trips home to New York, Al has been a part of every special occasion with us. He loved my kids as much as anyone in this world and he had a way of showing them how he felt that always made them feel special. I am saddened in knowing that our lives without him will never be as rich and full. He was generous to a fault and he had a heart of gold. He will be greatly missed.

My thoughts and prayers are with him and with his family during this difficult time.

Added by John Rote
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