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Born:August 16, 1959
Orlando, FL
Died:December 28, 2003
Orlando, FL

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Craig Alan Jones was born August 16, 1959 to Ralph & Norma Jones in Orlando, FL.  He peacefully went to be with the Lord on December 28, 2003.  He is survived by his loving wife Christine Jones, 4 children, Tommy, Jennifer, Kimberly & Bryan and 2 grandchildren, Ethan & Alia.  Also, parents, Ralph & Norma & 2 brothers, Mark & Keith.  He suffered many years and is now at peace.  Craig could do just about anything.  From cars to drywall, he was the jack of all trades.  He fought a hard battle.  We will surely miss him and love him.  "Dad, we love you!  Until we meet again...."

I Am Always With You - Written By: Jennifer Jones
Dedicated to My Father

A gentle hand to guide you through the days that lie ahead,
A spiritual hug to warm your heart and comfort you instead.
A soft whisper in your ear to give some thought and grow,
I am always with you and this I hope you know.
I raised you from a little tot to mark your place in life,
To love, to care, to grieve, to share, in friendship and in strife. I showed you things that I have learned the best way that I knew; And though I made mistakes sometimes, My Lord has seen me through. I fought until the bitter end and the battle was a task, But through it all, I see the glory and peacefulness at last. I love and cherish all of you, I will forget you not, I am always with you and you will never be forgot. So when the Lord has called on you, For you to come on home, I will be the angel in the sky, You won’t have to fly alone. There will be no hurt or painfulness, This I promise true, Until that time has come, My dear, I will wait for you.

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Personal Notes

Dad - You are truly loved and will never be forgotten. Please keep an eye on us. We need you!
Added by Jenn
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