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Born:December 17, 1955
Jesup, Georgia
Died:April 9, 2008
Brunswick, Georgia

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When I think of Aunt Judy, I think of her as Mom. The person who cared for and took care of me as a child. Sure, there were ups and downs, but, she always made sure us kids were taken care of. I remember the family vacations, and her smiling face. She was always so happy. I do not know why she chose for her life to end this way, but I kow it wasn't because she didn't love each and everyone of us, and I can't tell any one the reason why. What I can tell you about Judy Lee Flannery is that she was a loving, caring woman who loved her family even if she didn't always show it. I alsways wanted to tell her thank you for everything she did for me and for my kids. I never got that chance, and even thoughsome of you may think it is too late now, I just want to say thank you Aunt Judy, Mom, for everything you did for me and my kids. I love you. I will miss you more than words can ever say. Lord, Please take care of My Aunt, My Mother, My Friend. 
~ Mary Kay Thompson

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Personal Notes

Aunt Judy was a great person. one of the greatest I WILL MISS HER but we must have the strength to go on. not the strength of an individual the strength of a family. Hold your family close and you will get through this.
Added by A member of the family

Judy was the step-mother of my son. She ALWAYS treated my son like he was her own. Frequently, I told Judy how thankful I was for her and her compassion toward him. While my son is certainly grieving the loss of his father in this situation he also misses Judy and the friendship they had established. We miss Judy and continue to pray for her family, especially her children. Judy, may you be at peace.
Added by Racheal
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