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Born:August 4, 1972
Abilene, Texas
Died:July 20, 2003
Hamilton ,Texas

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Zora Pauline ( Paula) Smith  was born August 4,1972 in Abilene,Texas to Charles Edward Smith Jr.and Patricia williams Smith.Paula was a devoted mother and companion.She was a Certified Nurses Aide working in the care of the elderly.
Her companion James Headleyof Hamilton,Children David Edward Smith ,Tiffany Foster,Brandon Wayne Smith,step-children Tiffani Headley and Brad Headley all of Hamilton Survive her.She is also survived by her father and mother Charles E. Smith and Patricia Williams both of Hamilton.Her grandfather J.L. Williams maternal great- grandmother Eunice A. Williams , sister Patricia Ann Busch of Junction,two brothers Charles Edward Smith 3rd of
Waco,Wilton Richard Smith of Hamiltonand by a number of aunts,uncles,nieces,nephews and a host of Friends.
Paula Joined a number of family members in heaven M.Gay Williams grandmother,Great grandparents Melvin R. and Zora Pauline Gann,E.C. Williams And two Cousins Dameon J. Donald and Darian M. Bastian.and by fathers parents Charles E. and Lilie may Fergerson Smith .
Paula Passed away on July 20, 2003 from a motorcycle accident at the age of 30yrs,11mo.and 16 days .
paula and kids small.jpg

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