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Born:November 7, 1965
Died:May 18, 1987

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John Ellis White is my Uncle. He was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Always cracking jokes and making people laugh. He was truly the life of the party. 

I miss him like crazy even though I only got to know him for 10 years of my life. I knew he loved me. A memory that I have of him was when my Uncle John, myself, and my Aunt Judy all headed to see my granny in Oklahoma. My Uncle John let me sit on his lap on the drive there to color my granny a picture. He was just an all around good man. I remember my mom and dad piercing my ears in the bathroom of the trailer we lived in so that my Aunt Judy and Uncle John would see how grown up I was!

I love you Uncle John and miss you even more! We will one day see each other again. Rest in Peace my dear Uncle.

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Personal Notes

I love and miss you Uncle John.
Added by Chrissie
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