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Born:August 5, 1968
Died:February 17, 1996
dalton georgia

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Sandy  was born, aug.5 1968, she is the daughter of, Fay & mary west,she had two children, [son]Payton,and daughter Tiffanie.she loved her children,she allways put them first. Sandy loved life,she was a very giving person.she was allways there to help anyone that needed,help.Sandy, died in a tragic automobile accident feb.17,1996,she also left behind, three sisters,Deborah,lynn,&Sherri,a brother,Johnny.a host of family, friends.Sandy was loved by all who knew her,Sandy is greatly missed by all,most of all,Sandy,was a beautifull woman. God got a beautifull angel when he took SANDRA home.  SANDY WE WILL ALLWAYS LOVE AND MISS YOU.YOU ARE THOUGHT OF EVERY DAY, love,Daddy,Mother,SISTERS AN BROTHER,AND HER LOVING CHILDREN.

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