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Born:January 8, 1972
Fargo, North Dakota
Died:February 21, 2007
San Jose, California

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This beautiful women, was my mother, she was the most wonderful women I had ever known. She, like all others ahd flaws, and hers was drugs. She was addicted to perscription drugs, and went into rehab, where one night she was given to much of her percribed medicine, that was suposed to cure her, ended up giving her a heart attack. Now durnig this time, she was trying to get to a hospital, but the nurses at her rehad cnter thought she was lying, and told her to go back to bed. So she did thinking she was just a little ill, and never woke up.

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Personal Notes

Now that shes gone, our family is so incomplete, but were are slowly starting to come back, but she will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!
Added by Adam
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