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Born:July 10, 1948
Dublin Ireland
Died:June 12, 2008
london United Kingdom

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Betty was a beautiful person, who filled the lives of those who knew her with an unforgettable ray of sunshine.  She was someone who simply loved life, and loved those that were blessed enough to be a part of her life.  betty died shortly after her brain surgery for cancer, on June 12th 2008, After she apparently suffered for several years.

She would always be there for people, to listen to their problems, and was more than willing to do everything she could to help them out. She touched the lives of all who knew her in such a special and unique way. In 1984 she adopted three children from the orphanage whom she trained to college level and now have their seperate lives happily. She would give to those who need help and aid even if she has to sacrifice the last of her breath.

She was retired, and living with her husband James Colborn who passed on 8 years ago and after then she had opend her home as a place of relief for those who needed it here in london. Before retiring, she worked for 20 years for Club Corporation of of the United Kingdom as the membership director for several of their properties throughout the Country, and was nominated three times as membership Director of the year.

She loved working in her yard, and was a physical fitness enthusiast. She was fun to be with, and could bring a smile to your face in even the most difficult of times. She was a courageous woman, with a wonderful sense of humor. She will always be remembered. Words cannot express the joy that she brought to all of our lives. We will miss her, and continue to miss her throughout our lives. And she is survived by her only daughter Jessica Aaron Parr who resides in the united states, distant families and many well wishers.


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