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Born:February 7, 2008
Moncton City Hospital, NB, Canada
Died:February 8, 2008
Moncton City Hospital, NB, Canada

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We found out we were expecting Kaleb on June 28th, 2007 and were shocked, scared... but excited! We were not planning on having a little one together at the time, but couldn't wait for his arrival! I had a normal pregnancy for the first 5 months, and then I began to have bad pelvic and inner thigh pain. I was told it was a disorder called SPD and that once he was delivered the pain would end. Soon after this, I began to have high blood pressure and was put on bedrest. I had more frequent appointments and began to worry about the baby's health. He was  born via emergency c-section on Fenruary 7th, 2008 due to a placental abruption.He weighed 5 lbs 9oz's and was 19.5 inches long. He was perfect. His heart had stopped before delivery and it took the surgical team over 30 minutes to get his heart beating again. He lived for 8 hours before passing away peacefully in the arms of his Nanny. He was a beautiful baby boy whom has touched many people in ways unimaginable. The entire family will never forget Kaleb and we feel very lucky to have met an angel here on earth.

Mommy,Daddy and big brother Jake love you Kaleb and we miss you so much, we know we will hold you again someday.

~Fly fly precious one, your endless journey has begun, take your gentle happiness, far too beautiful for this~
-celine dion-Fly
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